Taku River Tlingit First Nation have purchased a blanket-robe from Toronto auction house that is dated back to 1830 - 1840 period
Members of the Taku River Tlingit First Nation will pick up at the Whitehorse Airport today a traditional robe the First Nation paid more than $45,000 to reclaim, APTN has reported.
The robe is woven in the traditional Chilkat design.
It includes two wolves, two ravens, and a child matches the work of noted weaver Mary Hunt, from the Yanwulihashi Hit (Drifted Ashore Clan) of the T’aaku Kwáan people.
The robe, thought to be from 1830 or 1840, was rescued from a Toronto auction house.
The 140-year-old Chilkat robe belonging to the Taku River Tlingit (KLING'-kit) First Nation is back on home soil in B.C.
Elder and master carver Wayne Carlick, who was involved in the repatriation, says seeing the culturally important piece of art is emotional.
The First Nation says "Indigenous people shouldn't be forced to buy back regalia stolen from them."