Question Period Coverage - Week 1

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn responding to questions about school bus safety

CHON-FM has provided a summary of question period for the first week of the 34th sitting of the legislature.

The first week of the 34th Legislature wrapped up on Thursday with the government of Yukon presenting a $1.5 Billion budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

The government is projecting a $5.9 million deficit this year with a $5 million surplus next year.

The government will start this fiscal year with a net debt of $11.2 million, which is estimated to grow to $57.9 million by the end of the fiscal year.

Government support and funding for non-government organizations was the issue most asked about in question period this week. Pauline Frost Minister of Health and Social Services responded to the questions with the reminder that Yukon women need to have a safe place to go in times of trouble.

Other issues covered in question period this week included school capacity, school replacement, and school bus safety in Yukon.

Yukon’s mining sector and mining industry investment were also questioned.

One surprising question from Brad Cathers, MLA for Lake Laberge involved the Canadian Border Services Agency executing a warrant at the Yukon Government’s Department of Economic Development. Tracy-Anne McPhee, Minister of Justice confirmed that the warrant had been executed, but had no further information on the matter at the time.

Since then, it has been revealed the investigation involves one Whitehorse resident and two others from British Columbia.  The search warrants involved both the workplace and residence of the individuals. 

Finally, people in the  Legislature mourned the loss of long-time Yukoner Ken McKinnon following the news of his passing on Thursday. 


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